And I do mean goodness! Saw this recipe for spiced shrimp over at The Pioneer Woman Cooks today and just had to try it. Trust me when I tell you, it's totally delicious and lives up to all the kudos it got. And soooo easy too.
Of course, anything this good has to be full of calories, and it is - lots of butter - but so worth it... unless you have it every day! ;)
Us moms often end up having to eat our words, especially if we're fortunate enough to have fun-loving, wise-arse kids. Back when mine was just a young'un, we used to have a running joke at Christmas time and I would always tease him with that old cliche of "if you don't behave, Santa's going to bring you a lump of coal." One year, after he was older and had a family of his own, we were at his home for the holiday. Don't you know that brat had managed to find this tin with 3 lumps of coal to gleefully give his dear ol' mom for Christmas!! It was a hoot! :D
My two most favorite beastie grooming tools are the "cootie" comb and scissor-style nail clippers. I've had the comb forever - bought it for my first Siamese cat over 30 years ago and probably paid all of 50 cents for it, if that. Now you can't hardly find the darn things! I've never had to use it for its intended purpose of head lice/nits but it's the best fur comb out there - much better than the specialty pet combs.
The scissor clippers are a lot less traumatic to use - for them... and me!
... or in this case, windows. Got a good start on the outdoor decorations for Christmas and the four front windows are done. For once, the weather cooperated and it wasn't the coldest day of the year like it usually is. Hopefully it'll hold until we're finished.
Christy wanted to show her friends how pretty fall is in MD so she picked a bagful of leaves to take along on her trip home today. They don't get all these colors in her part of SC... probably has something to do with all those pine trees they have! ;)
We enjoyed Thanksgiving Day with the traditional roast turkey and all the trimmings...
but couldn't resist this shot of the golden leaf carpet that's covering our and surrounding lawns after strong winds went through and helped empty the trees.
I bought several colors of this particular sweater last year and was real pleased with the quality - I like Sag Harbor anyway. When I saw that Kohl's online had them on sale again a couple of weeks ago, I snatched up a couple more ($30 sweaters for $12.99 each!) They're soooo soft - they almost feel like cashmere - and versatile too. Looks good alone or under a blouse, jacket, or vest.
As if by magic, an exact duplicate of the smashed vase! Except for the pretty red stones and floating berries, even the flower arrangement is almost identical. Gotta love thoughtful husbands!!
Needless to say, a certain cat, who shall remain nameless, has not been allowed anywhere near the mantle! We shall see if said cat loses one of his nine ...
I saw someone do this on Flickr and thought it made for a cool picture, so tried it myself. Really looks cool when you click for the enlarged version. Gotta love macro!
Tonight was pamper my tootsies night. They got a sorely needed Swedish file treatment, footbath scrub, nail clip, and lots of lotion. Then I treated them to a paraffin bath and finished up by slathering on more soothing foot cream. Soft as a baby's butt!
I've really been struggling to come up with photos this month and this one was totally uninspired and effortless. The beastie decided my cluttered desk was where he was going to lay his head, so I turned on the light and took a so-so picture of said head.
Jeez, talk about time flying by!! I've just applied for social security benefits this week and I gotta tell you, it's a mind-bender! How'd I get this old this quick?? lol
Tomorrow is pick-up day by our local troop for the annual food drive sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America. We always enjoy shopping for this one... it's a good thing. :)
Didn't feel much like cooking tonight so we picked up some Panera's french onion soup and smoked turkey panini on the way home from a doctor's appointment. Really hit the spot and warmed my bones on our first cold-enough-for-a-coat day.
This has been my view for most of today. I had an especially nasty attack of vertigo last night and have spent the day tucked nice and warm in my chair dozing, watching a little TV and staying off of the computer. It seems to make me feel woozy. Hoping to feel more like myself tomorrow.
Another sweet memory I came across today. It's been tucked away in the drawer for safekeeping while all the renovating was going on.
My granddaughter and her mommy (Hi Cindy!) lived with us for 9 months when she was a baby while my AF son went to tech school. Then they moved to California. After they left, I found one of her forgotten blocks and dissolved into a puddle of tears because I missed her so. I thought the "U" (you), meaning her, was very symbolic and I've kept it on my desk all these years as a precious keepsake. It can still pull at my heartstrings every once and awhile. *sniff* They grow up so fast...
You know it's a slow day when all I can come up with for a picture is a space heater! *sigh*
Now that the weather is turning chilly, I've acquired a new best friend in this little treasure I found at Target. It has variable heat settings ranging from 60-80 degrees and two speeds. I usually have it on low 60-65 and it puts out more than enough heat to keep me comfy. It's uber quiet and the front changes color so you know it's heating. Oh, and it also oscillates. Great little heater - I am pleased.
I'll be the first to admit it - my husband makes waaay better biscuits than me and I take full advantage of the fact. Early on in our togetherness, he introduced me to toasted biscuits for Sunday breakfast and I've been hooked ever since. So, periodically, he bakes up a batch of biscuits which we then freeze. Then we can enjoy a toasted biscuit or two whenever we want instead of having to rely on leftovers. One of life's little pleasures. :)
This was the weirdest thing. A whole bunch of deer ran out of the woods, across the field, and then just stopped! The whole story is on my regular blog - Lil Bits of Me.
Lew, being the cool dude that he is, ran upstairs and got my camera for me. I'm always impressed with the zoom on my camera; where they were standing is about 1/4 mile from the house - the photo was taken with the zoom all the way out.
Well, it fits into its contemporary setting, and it'll be nicely functional with the two individual light arms, but I have to admit, our new floor lamp for the family room is a little strange-looking!
I'm a nice lady with a nice hubby and 2 relatively nice cats. This is where I talk about bits and pieces of the world I live in - good, bad, and indifferent - sprinkled with love, whimsy, wisdom, and a bit of nonsense.
All photos on this blog belong to me and are protected by copyright; they may not be copied, reproduced or distributed without the express, written consent of myself. All Rights Reserved.