Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Day #73 - Paper Unlimited...

One of the two (and a half, maybe three) piles of never-ending crap that accumulates on my desk. I thought this computer age was supposed to be paperless... what the heck happened in my house?? *sigh* It's a losing battle.


Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Don't feel bad - I have piles that would put that one to shame. To SHAME, I tell you :)

Great photo!

Trish said...

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with piles of crap!

Southern Girl said...

That's a pretty big pile, but I've seen worse. Namely on the other side of my bedroom wall, on my father's desk. ;)

Debi said...

You are not alone, my dear.

Desert Songbird said...

I, too, am a member of the piles of crap club.


jenny said...

I have a pile I should be getting to myself . . .