Sunday, February 25, 2007

Day #56 - Snow bud

The rhododendron in my front yard are fearlessly getting ready to do their thing in spite of the fickle and contrary weather we've been having.


Desert Songbird said...

Bizarre weather everywhere. We go from 40 degrees up to 79 degrees, back down to 45 degrees in a matter of a few days. Weird.

I hope your snow ends soon and your plants survive.

Trish said...

Very pretty!

I know what you mean about weird weather. I was sitting in a local fast food drive thru today and it was about 63 degrees with a beautiful blue sky, and I was thinking about sitting in the same drive thru a week ago and looking at the icecicles hanging from the awning and thinking what a cool picture it would make.

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Wonderful picture Marianne! Some of the trees where I live have already started budding out, they think it's spring here already. I hope we don't have a hard freeze and it hurts them too much.

Do you still have snow on the ground?!

jenny said...

I love the snow! I never see it around here (Texas---near Houston).