Monday, February 26, 2007

Day #57 - Postal profusion

*sigh* It's a losing battle. This is less than two weeks worth of catalogs. Doesn't matter that we're on every mail preference/suppress list out there. Doesn't matter if I tell them NOT to put my name on their mailing lists. All it takes is using a credit card, contributing to charity, or placing an order somewhere and boom! we get inundated with a whole new series of unwanted catalogs/email.

I hardly ever look at them anymore, they just go straight from the mailbox to the recycle bin. What a depressing waste of perfectly good trees.


Southern Girl said...

I see a Coldwater Creek catalog in that pile! That's one of my mom's and my favorite places.

Desert Songbird said...

I like Coldwater Creek, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Lands' End! More than half of our clothes are purchased there. It's a waste to send me catalogs, though, because I usually shop online.

I know mail carriers hate all of the catalogs and magazines too.

jenny said...

I just commented on the other blog, but I also had to go see your photo blog, because I started a 365 blog, too. Just thought you might come look around at that one, too. :-)

I should take a picture of my embarassing pile of mail I didn't sort through!