Monday, February 19, 2007

Day #50 - Out with the old, in with the new

We're on a roll replacing stuff in the kitchen. Having grown real tired of the grungy, dirty-looking-but-clean plastic storage containers we've been using for at least a bazillion years, we bought some new ones.

They came with a convenient holder that keeps everything in one place, thus giving us the added bennie of freeing up shelf space in two cabinets, as well as a drawer that held all the lids.

Out, damned spot! out, I say! - lol
Well, maybe off to Goodwill anyway.


Southern Girl said...

Oh gosh, that bottom picture looks so familiar! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Yeah - have you been in my cabinets? They look VERY familiar :-)

marianne said...

Hmmmm, Cindy - maybe I should be asking the "have YOU been in MY cabinets?" question?? heh, heh, heh ;-) :-D

Desert Songbird said...

My cabinets too! Ack - you've been snooping here!

Anonymous said...

Many Many times. But, much less than Christina. :-)

Anonymous said...

anonymous was obviously me!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Cool, and I love that they have red tops! I bought a similar Rubbermaid set a year or two ago at Sam's Club, their "stainguard" or whatever it is that isn't supposed to stain. I like them a lot. I did the same thing, and pulled out all of my old, dingy, dirty looking stained up ones. Believe it or not, I put them all in a box at a garage sale and put a sign that said "25 cents for two" and sold almost every single one of them. :)

I wish mine had red tops, but alas, they are just boring old grey. Love all your red, Marianne!!!