I really can't believe I actually completed this project without missing a single day - I am so proud of me! What a year! I've "met" a group of lovely ladies through this project (and fully intend to maintain contact!) and I've learned a whole lot more about how a camera operates. There were times when I thought I had to be out of my mind to have committed to this for such a long time, but for the most part, I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I know I will miss it... eventually... but right now I'm looking forward to a bit of a break from the obligation of coming up with a photo idea every day. I've actually considered taking Karin (Frozen in Time) up on her Project Posse challenge, but decided I really need the break. Maybe I'll pick up on it later...
Anyway, without further ado, here's my final Project 365 photo of 2007!!
Having gotten over her displeasure at being left behind at the vet's, Zoey cozies into a favorite snoozing spot and catches some zzzz's as life returns to normal.
The baseball water tower outside of Charlotte seems like an old friend; the beautiful vistas along Lake Norman, which I fell in love with at first sight many years ago, more than make up for the ugliest building on the east coast in downtown Charlotte. (Not bad photos for traveling along the road at 60 plus miles an hour!)
This goofy cat finds the strangest positions to lie in. If he's not going in both directions at once like this, he's full face down with his nose in the carpet.
Needing to replenish one of my wintertime favorites, I also took advantage of a Bath & Body Works special for tootsie scrub - regular price for one, only $5 for a second on selected items. Niiiice!
... well, allmost delivered. Got most of my cards sent yesterday and finished the last couple today. They are in the mail and on their way, complete with these pretty holiday seals and address labels.
Now here's something we don't see every day! After the bodacious winds we had yesterday and last night, we had our share of branches scattered 'round and about the yard and surrounding areas. This one though, settled atop the deck pergola, surprised me this morning.
I am going to gain soooo much weight! Tried another new recipe today and oh yeah, these cuties are so good! And ridiculously easy too. The recipe's on my kitchen blog.
Used to be you got real boxes like these when you bought a Christmas gift; not those flimsy, foldy things you get now... if you even get one before they conveniently "run out." We got these pretty ones at WalMart a couple of seasons ago for a pretty good price. (My mother would faint at the idea of buying a box!) Anyway, I hoard them like crazy and try to see that they hold presents that stay in-house so we can use them again (a couple have managed to escape to other regions of the country!) What a Scrooge! ;)
Tonight was haircut night and my stylist's Charlie Brown Christmas tree not only made the salon more festive, but was perfect for an adorable photo of the day!
This tiny little patch is all that remains of the six inches of snow we had the other day. A couple of days worth of warmer temps and today's rain made it disappear real quick. Now Lew has to wait for everything to dry out so he can finish with the rest of the leaves.
Guess what I've been munching on all evening?? Oh my, these things are absolutely decadent! If you're a fan of chocolate covered cherries, they're not a bad substitute - all the flavor minus the cherry. Good stuff!
A good bit of the snow had melted by this afternoon, but there was still enough on the car to warrant a good brushing off before getting on the road. Nothing worse than having the snow on top of a car ahead of you blow off and smack you in the windshield!
It's arrived a little early for our area, but our first snowfall of the season has been at it since about 8-ish this morning. The grass is still peeping through, but there's probably about 2-3 inches out there right now. Might be enjoying our first fire of the season later too!
Lew added a bit of contemporary sparkle to the wreath with a little artful draping of some bling wire decoration he found. Looks kinda cool but hard to tell with this photo. I'm having a devil of a time with my camera and color saturation. Haven't figured out how to remedy it yet (clearly different lighting didn't help - but made for an interesting shadow effect!)
I'm a nice lady with a nice hubby and 2 relatively nice cats. This is where I talk about bits and pieces of the world I live in - good, bad, and indifferent - sprinkled with love, whimsy, wisdom, and a bit of nonsense.
All photos on this blog belong to me and are protected by copyright; they may not be copied, reproduced or distributed without the express, written consent of myself. All Rights Reserved.