Friday, March 23, 2007

Day #82 - Whatcha see??

My beastie girl, Zoey gazing intently at something known only to her. Probably some furry/feathery tidbit scurrying around the yard - she likes to watch the squirrels and birds. Or not. Sometimes she just sits and contemplates the outside world.


Southern Girl said...

What a pretty girl! Pumpkin can sit for hours doing the very same thing. :)

Desert Songbird said...

I'm amazed how cats can sit for seemingly endless amounts of time, just staring. The only thing that occasionally moves is the tip of their tail.


Debi said...

Don't you wish you could read their minds? She surely is a beautiful girl!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Ooh, Zoey is beautiful! I bet she was watching a bird or something and thinking, I know I could get that little birdie :)