Monday, July 9, 2007

Day #190 - Puzzle puzzle...

We spent the afternoon working on this challenger until we got bleary-eyed from all the numbers and took a dinner break. Looks like Lew and I may finish the rest ourselves since the boys have opted for a little TV diversion instead.:)


Anonymous said...

What a coincidence...went to YOUR corner Sun. and your games and have been doing Sudoku for the past 2 days.- make that 3 counting today! Scary isn't it? That puzzle looks like a real doozy!!! Have fun!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

WOW, that looks like a tough one! But I'd love to work on it, I wish I lived closer, I'd be right over to work on it :)

Desert Songbird said...

A puzzle about a puzzle? Cool!

Debi said...

Oh my...that one looks like a killer! Been a long time since I worked a jigsaw. But I think the little guy is finally big enough to leave one alone (and maybe even help), so I might have to dig one out one of these days.

jenny said...

That looks so difficult!