Sunday, May 6, 2007

Day #126 - Cozy corner...

Lew got the replacement azalea (second from left) in the ground today, and the front corner of the yard is looking much better now without the dead bush or the gaping hole it left.


Southern Girl said...

Oh, that looks so good, Marianne! I love that fence and how green and lush your lawn looks. Tell Lew he did good! ;)

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Oh wow, beautiful azaleas! That looks great, and that fence is so picturesque.

We went yesterday and I wanted to get an azalea for an empty spot we have. My husband wanted to get lorapetalums instead, so we got those. And he planted them, which was even better! Now, I have to keep the dog from trampling them (he trampled down and killed the little ones we had in there last summer, when we got him in the fall).

Looks great!!!

Desert Songbird said...

I love the feeling I get when I look at your photo: I can feel the warm sun, smell the scent of barbecue sauce coming from the grill, hear the tinkling of ice in a glass of lemonade...


Debi said...

Oh, I so want to jump right through the screen with a blanket and a book and big glass of iced tea!

It looks beautiful! You and Lew do such a wonderful job!

jenny said...

So picturesque!

Trish said...

You have a lovely yard! It looks like a park!