Friday, May 18, 2007

Day #138 - $$$$$

You know it's a slow day when the most exciting picture you can come up with is paying the bills... even if it is with a cute little pen.


Trish said...

Great picture and something we can all relate to! I'm so thankful for online bill pay. It just about kills me to have to actually WRITE a check and mail it now.

Southern Girl said...

No, that's a great picture -- a real slice of life. ;) That was me the day before yesterday...

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Great picture, but like Trish said, I don't write checks and pay bills hardly at all anymore. Draft and online bill pay for me :)

CUTE pen is right! :)

Desert Songbird said...

We're like Stacy - do everything online these days. But I agree - cute pen!