Saturday, May 5, 2007

Day #125 - Plant zone...

We went to another nursery today and finally got the shrubs (euonymous) for alongside the garage that we've been talking about forever. Also picked up a hosta and bleeding hearts for the mailbox garden, along with ...

... a hanging verbena for the deck, and some New Guinea impatiens for an existing bed of sedum and lilies.

Still have more annuals to get, but these will give us a start-up with this season's planting.

And, the answer to yesterday's "what is it" - you all were so close!...

keep scrolling...

a little bit more...

One of our kitties' scratching toys... they scratch them to pieces!

Well done, ladies! Thanks for playing! :)


Desert Songbird said...

My MIL and FIL have a gorgeous lawn and garden; they lovingly attend to it. I don't have a green thumb; in fact, it's past brown - it's black! I'm a plant killer!!!!

I'll bet your lawn is stunning.

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Ooh, plants and flowers! Yep, you're right, we were doing and photographing the same thing this weekend :) I still have a long way to go and lots more flowers to buy and bring home and plant. I find the browsing and buying to be the fun part! The planting and constant watering in our heat, not so much :)

P.S. I'm glad I didn't try to guess on the "what is it" picture.... I would have guessed dead leaves, hahaha!

Debi said...

Oh my, it's going to be even more gorgeous than it is already! Can't wait to see your "all done" photos!

Well, I had the cat part right...but I'm glad they're not using it as litter.

Southern Girl said...

I'm so late responding, the answer is already up, but I never, ever would have guessed what that close-up photos was -- and that's even though Pumpkin has one of those things! ;) She never plays with hers though, so it stays under my bed most of the time.

Your yard must be a magnificent place, and it's going to be even prettier once you get all those new plants in. Are the purple ones the verbena? I love those!

marianne said...

Y'all are so nice with your comments about the yard - thanks so much. We really enjoy putzing in the yard and try to keep it nice. :)

Southern Girl - yes, the verbena is the purple one.