Monday, January 15, 2007

Day #15 - Manic Monday

So, it was a busy, busy day - first thing this AM,
a visit to the doctor for a blood test

After fasting from last night, a stop for
something to eat was necessary - besides, I
needed something to go with my coffee

The fog was thick and wet at 8:00 am
Later on, a trip to the dentist to fix my implant -
return trip next week to finish the job

Flags still at half-staff all over town
in honor of Pres. Ford

Fog was lifting a few hours later, but
still pretty heavy for the day

Finally, an appointment for some help with our
family room - a total catch-all disaster!

Like I said, a busy day - enough activity for a week's worth of photos!


Desert Songbird said...

That first photo reminded me -- I need to get my bi-weekly blood test tomorrow.

Thanks for the reminder; I hope your weather clears up.

Debi said...

Aside from the stop at Dunkin Donuts, it didn't look like a very fun day. But at least it was productive, huh?

~**Dawn**~ said...

eep! i can't believe you snapped a photo while a needle was *in* you! i have all i can do to keep from passing out cold like a big baby. LOL! and kudos to you for not being too self-selfconcious to get the camera out & capture your day!